News 2016


21 Mar 2016

CaixaBank sail hard with ACT

CaixaBank  sail hard with ACT

The financial institution renew for fourth consecutive year the support 

The Asociation of the Clubs of Rowing Boats and CaixaBank renew one more year the sponsorship. Until 2013 CaixaBank is one of the most important sponsorships of the San Miguel League.

CaixaBank is going to give name to the trophy of San Miguel League: the CaixaBank Crown, the trophy that the last year NT2 Hondarribia had won.  Also, if NT2 Hondarribia or Urdaibai Avia will win the trophy this year, they will teake the trophy in their ownership. In addition, CaixaBank is going to award to the best skipper of the league with white swimsuite, award who Endika Perez and Jon Ormazabal had won. As well as, CaixaBank is going to  award the best rowing boat of Euskotren League, womens rowing boates.

This morning, Juan Pedro Badiola, the Basque Country and Cantabric territory director of CaixaBank and Pedro Andueza, the chairman of ACT proceed to the act of the firm. 
